Tuesday, August 16, 2011

8. LABOR PAINS 1- The Pregnant Dude

Once a newly married young dude who was so deeply in love with his pregnant wife wanted to share the labor pains she was going to have at her first child birth. The gynecologist who listened to him with a professional thin lipped smile on his kind face nodded understandingly, and said that he really admired the his spirit. But when he kept on pestering the doc realized that this was something more than just infatuation.

“We need to share everything Doc.”

“But, there’s no way you can share this. It’s absurd!”

“She is undergoing this because of me…!”

“Nice attitude, but I’m sure she’s happy to bear up the pain on your behalf.”

“Doctor please… I’m begging you! I want to experience this!”

“It’s not humanly possible.”

Finally the Gynecologist gave up. After the classical warning, “OK then, don’t say I didn’t warn you”, he asked the intern he worked with to suture up dude’s anus and give him a powerful laxative.

Two hours later, the he was screaming his head off, nursing his bloated midsection when the Gynecologist entered the room.  Dude with streaming eyes and contorted face was begging the stitches to be removed, which was immediately done.
Later the Gynecologist told the dude, “Okay, that’s it. I see both of us made our points. But just let me tell you that the pain you underwent is only a fraction of what the real labor pain is.”

Epilogue: Now women folks don’t be alarmed about this because this is just an anecdote. My cousin has already told me that her toothache was much worse than her labor pains.
Epi-Epilogue: And this is a package of 3 stories. Even though I originally thought of writing all three at once my partner said that it would be too long. So I’ll publish it in three consecutive days. See you tomorrow.

henryblogwalker Dude on ANECDOTES THAT ROCKED US.


  1. i bet that dude really learnt to listen when once told! ha ha ha. nice one

  2. Dude,

    I am sure all the dudes who hoped and wished to do like this, must be very thankful to u for publishing this post.




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